Bits of Me

What are your two favorite things to wear?

Sweaters. Sweaters are definitely number one on this list.

I have so many sweaters, and I love all kinds of different ones. Sweatshirts, cardigans with or without buttons or zippers, granny sweaters, hoodies, zipper hoodies. All of them! They are so comfy and since they come in different materials, I can have fluffy warm winter ones and thin sun burn blocking summer ones.

My second favorite thing to wear would probably have to be my Galaxy watch. I enjoy having the convenience of it. I can easily track my daily steps, update my calendar, answer phone calls, send texts, check the weather, and so much more. I wear every chance I get. I keep it clean and charged. It even tracks my health and sleeping schedule.

What are your favorite things to wear?

Wildlife Photography

Do you ever see wild animals?

Nature is one of my biggest loves. Everything in it is inspiring, beautiful, unique. Photography is one of the ways I enjoy capturing those moments of breathtaking awe. Enjoy a few of my favorite wildlife shots.

Pied-Billed Grebe

Osprey Parents Guarding Their Nest

Northern Shovelers



Belted Kingfisher

Juvenile Raccoon

A Slice of Paradise

What is your favorite place to go in your city?

Here lately, my favorite place to go in my town is the library. I love how quiet and calm it is there. I enjoy picking out books for myself and our kiddos.

There’s also a section where some books are for sale. They are pretty cheap, too. So if I ever have a few bucks I grab a couple to add to my collection.

There’s also a “free” section and a “read and return” section.

I stop by there almost every time I go to town.

Self Care

What have you been working on?


I have been spending the majority of the past few months working on myself the most. Getting myself healthy, physically and mentally. Getting bad teeth fixed, seeing a therapist, regularly seeing my doctor. Taking new medications.

I want to feel like myself again and these are the steps to take first. But I will prevail.

Down To Business

What alternative career paths have you considered or are interested in?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately, actually. My husband is currently going to school for what he has always dreamed of going for. Me, on the other hand, have no idea what I want to do. It’s a hard decision to make for me. Unlike some people who have known since middle school or before, and stuck with it.

But how did they know? How did they know for sure that that’s what they wanted to do? I have so many things I would love to be able to do, but which one do I love more? How do I decide?

I love cooking, art, photography, animals, and trees, and so much more. How do you decide which one you want to start with at least?!

I’ve been considering Wildlife Conservation because it covers a few of those areas I love so much. I’m a “fun fact” or “did you know..” kind of girl. Wildlife Conservation covers animals, plants, and their environments. Which is the biggest interest of mine.

Major in Wildlife Conservation and minor in Photography..? I think that might be the route I’m going. For now.

Wish me luck in deciding!

I also have started a business on the side to help with the upcoming holidays and birthdays in my family. Let me help you fill your home or office with scent-sational scents! Or host my party for a FREE kit of your own!!

How’s Healing?

Why does it feel like anxiety and depression, and other disorders, seem to control you? Controlling every aspect of your life. Torturing you from the inside out. Making decisions to questions that haven’t even been asked yet. Why do we let it control us? Do we really know how to take control back over our lives, or are we always left with some thought of failure?

Are we really masking the pain? Or does it flash in our eyes when our smiles can’t reach them? Moving forward, in a positive way, is the goal. In a way that heals our souls and puts ease into our minds. But how do we reach that first step? Doctors, medications, therapies, and meditation are all ways people try to heal. Is it working, though?

Do you think people can see the pain in your soul through eyes? I wonder if some people see it and choose not to say anything.

How are you healing lately?

Minnesota Summers

What do you love about where you live?

I really love a lot about Minnesota, but one thing keeps me from wanting to stay any longer than we have to.

The summers here are gorgeous. Glistening lakes, blue skies for miles, open fields of wildly grown grasses, and so many trees and forest areas. I love the wildlife here. The number of clouds you can see because there’s no mountains to block the view. The slight breeze that seems to be abundant here throughout all seasons. At night, if it’s dark enough, you can almost see the entire galaxy it seems in the sky! It’s absolutely beautiful here.

But the amount of snow in the winter here has done it for me. I knew it would be snowy, and that’s why I held my ground as long as I could. But it’s depressing, for me, how much snow it is and how long it really lasts.

I dream of winters like back home where it feels like fall all winger long, and if it does snow, it melts the same day.

My World

What would you change about modern society?

There are so many things I would change in today’s world. Healthcare would be free, including dental and vision. Education would be free. All vet clinics and hospitals would offer payment plans or discounts at checkout like some hospitals do now. There would also be no taxes.

Sustainability would be taught in every school. Sex education would be just that, education. Not some teacher who tells everyone not to do it. Teachers would be paid more.

Rent in all states and homes would be fixed. No hidden fees or sudden charges.

Every home, once a week, would get a box with all the essentials needed. Shampoos, soaps, dish soap, laundry detergent, toothpaste, toilet paper, women’s toiletries, milk, bread, eggs, cheese, nuts, fruits, and vegetables.

Foreclosed homes would be fixed up for homeless people and veterans.

Lastly (for now), all medication or treatments used for saving someone’s life; like insulin, blood thinners, etc, would be free. All organic or natural medicines that come from plants and such would be legal for everyone to use and grow.

Permanent Headlines

If humans had taglines, what would yours be?

There’s so many things my tagline could say. I’m sure a lot of people thought that at first. Honestly, this has taken me longer to come up with an answer than any other prompt so far.

For me, I believe my tagline would say something along the lines of “forever struggling to balance anxiety and peace.”

I spend my days constantly battling with my anxiety to stay hidden so I can have peace. But it slips up through the cracks every time. Sometimes, I can feel it coming. I feel as though I live in a constant bubble of overwhelming anxiety.

Honestly, it feels like there’s only one week a month where I don’t have built-up anxiety or hormones, making me stress or freak out or overwhelm me. One week. Where I feel like an actual person and not this thing I’ve become over the years from fear, anxiety, and stress. I fear those things are slowly turning me into a monster.

What I wish my tagline would say would be, “Here’s a lady who has it all!” Because I feel like I do have it all. Including some things that try to tear all that, plus me, down.

Religious Relationship

Do you practice religion?

Normally, I don’t talk about religion with people. It’s just something I’ve never done, along with politics. Everyone has their own opinions on the matter, and I’m not going to argue with people or get yelled at about what I believe.

But I do practice religion. I have a strong bond with God and Jesus. My relationship with them are beyond the church scene. Many church goers are set in their ways and are firm to it.

My relationship with Jesus is on a personal level. He’s there when I need someone to talk to, and there’s no one else. He has saved me from myself a few times. Without Him, I don’t know where I’d be today.

What upsets me is that everyone has grouped Christians into this category where they think we are all hateful, racist, judgmental people. When in reality, that’s not true at all about all of us. Some Christians have put a bad name on all of us. Shame on them.