
Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?

St. Patrick’s Day has always been my favorite holiday and I’ve never really known why. I always loved dressing in all green, even though I don’t like the color green. I always thought it was so much fun. I guess, any holiday you can dress up for was fun to me.

Now that I’m older and have lost my mother, a lot of the holidays are hard for me. Especially the ones she loved the most, Thanksgiving and Christmas. The two holidays that really brought family together. She really loved those holidays when we’d all get together, eat, and talk, and just hangout. Those are the hardest for me now because she isn’t there for them anymore.

Future Me

Daily writing prompt
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

This one is hard for me, because honestly, I have no idea. In ten years, i will be almost 43 with a 19 year old son, an 18 year old daughter and a 14 year old daughter. I’m just now starting to finally understand myself better. Learning who I am every day. In ten years there is no telling what could be going on in our lives for me to make this assumption.

I will say I would like to have been in college at least four years by then. Be working with animals in any way I can, hopefully in a way to make their futures better and to increase species instead of them continuing to decrease. I will hopefully have a better relationship with my father by then, and possibly his new soon to be wife. I want to be in a better place finacially by then. Absolutely. I’ve been working on that lately already. We are finally in a place where I can put money back for saving because we are actually living paycheck to paycheck. Most people say those words but what they actually mean is the check runs out a few days before pay day and they are scrubbing to get by. Trust me, I know what they mean. I’ve been in that position the majority of my life, and I can tell you that right now is the only time our checks have actually lasted past the next payday. I see myself driving my 14 year old around everywhere so she can hangout with friends. Haha. I don’t know, it’s a while from now and it’s honestly hard to see anything. It’s too soon to tell, I guess.

POV: Henry


Hi! My name is Henry. I am 50% dalmatian and 50% standard poodle. Also known as a dalmadoodle. I am a little over 4 months old. My mommy’s therapist said she needed a companion for emotional support when my mommy is feeling lonely because of the level of distress it causes her. I am the bestest boy for my mommy. I listen almost every time. She gives me tons of treats and puzzles to keep my brain and mind sharp. She’s taught me lots of things like how to sit, shake, lay, and jump. She’s taught me that my kennel is a safe place open any time. I’m learning that truck rides are so much fun and full of adventure. My brothers and sisters (3 humans, 2 cats) are my very best friends. Although, one brother and one sister don’t really care for me and swat at me when I walk by, but I love them anyway and am always ready to play! My daddy gives the best tummy rubs and can throw my toys the furthest, which I love. It always gives me the zoomies after.

I know I can never replace the ones before me, but I hope they know that I’m doing my absolute best to make them all smile.

Happy Little Things

Daily writing prompt
What are 5 everyday things that bring you happiness?

My family. My husband, my children, my daddy, my siblings-in-law, my mother-in-law, all of them. I don’t know where I’d be without any of them. They fill my life with so many emotions, but happiness is the biggest one.

My pets, and all animals really. My sweet Henry (Dalmadoodle), my Ali cat (shorthair tabby, Alice), and my Sonny boy (shorthair orange tabby). They are just like my children. I spoil them just as often. Toys, treats, games, switch up their foods so they have variety. I also have several birdfeeders around my home because I absolutely love birding, and watching any animal in my yard really. Or just going out with my camera to see what I can find, even the smallest of cool creatures.

God and Jesus. It brings me happiness to know I always have someone on my side. Someone I can talk to about my feelings, the worries on my mind, ask for help when I don’t know where to turn. Because of You and the strength You give me, I have not given up on this life. I have pushed through all of my demons and continue to shine with You by my side.

Helping anyone any chance I can. I may not always be able to help anyone with money issues, but I will try. I will help in any way I can, even if it’s just something as small as grabbing someone a coffee when they don’t have any money. It’s not hard to make someone’s day and it usually starts with a smile.

Busy work. I know that sounds crazy and you’re probably thinking, “Kris, really? Who get happy with busy work??” I do! I like cleaning, and organizing and stocking. I like errands and making lists to check them off. Now that I know more about myself, it all makes sense. So I give in to those cleaning desires, because why put myself through the distress of just not cleaning it when it is in no way at all hurting anybody that I wipe my white walls clean 12 times a day and clean my bathroom 4 times. It’s not hurting anybody and my house looks and smells nice. So, I indulge in the things I like. And that brings me joy. because at the end of the day, I feel accomplished, the house smells nice, my chores are done, and I’ll sleep like a newborn after all that work.

These are only 5 things that bring me happiness, of course there are plenty more. But those are for a different day.

Did we have any of the same answers? If so, which ones? What brings you happiness?

Unique Aspects

Which aspects do you think makes a person unique?

Honestly, I don’t think there is anything specific when it comes to uniqueness. Literally every person is different. I believe that everyone is unique, weird, and crazy in their own way, because who can really say what normal is.

I guess, to answer the question, I would say that personality is what makes everyone unique.

Not Famous

If you could have something named after you, what would it be?

Honestly, I’ve never given any thought to a question like this. I think if I had the chance to have something named after me, I don’t think I would want it to be some material item. If that makes sense. I want to find ways to help our wildlife. I want to come up with ideas for ways to save certain ecosystems. I want to reach the hearts of others on touchy issues about our oceans and commercial fishermen.

If, and when, I get to make those changes in this worls, I would possibly want those techniques named after me maybe. but honestly, i don’t even care about the recognition. I just want our wildlife to thrive because it’s our fault as the human race that so many animals, creatures, and aquatic life have died off and continue to die off daily. We are the reason this Earth is dying faster than she is supposed to. We are the reason so many different species have gone extinct, and the reason so many species are still dwindling down in numbers.

We lock wild animals up in cages for entertainment, kill off mothers of aquatic animals to keep their offspring for food, parts, or entertainment as well. And I’m not talking about the rescue type places that rescue animals in need and release (if possible) them back into their habitat once fully recovered. Those people are a blessing to mother nature.

I think people have forgotten that once we destroy Earth, there will be nothing left for us. We need to stick together and maintain her! It’s up to us (humans) to keep her safe and strong. and filled with wildlife and nature. But we as humans are greedy, taking everything she has to offer without filling her cup back up.

Sad Realities

Daily writing prompt
When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was five years old I wanted to be a veterinarian. I’ve always had a soft spot for animals. Animals of any kind, I’ve always loved them all. Now that I’m older, I have changed my mind about that. I do still want to work with animals, any way I can. But I do not want to be a vet anymore. I honestly don’t care for how their businesses run. Vets and animal hospitals will literally turn animals away if you can not pay up front, which is wild to me. I would never want to turn any animal away.

Last year our family dog of 8 years became extremely sick all of a sudden. He was coughing, throwing up blood and shaking. We went to FIVE different locations trying to get help for him. No one would see us because we didn’t qualify for care credit, we didn’t have any money up front, and we didn’t have pet insurance. Our sweet boy was literally throwing up blood on the floors of their waiting rooms. They could see that he needed immediate help, but since we had no money right then, they all turned us away with a simple “sorry.” We finally had to ask someone to loan us the money until payday. $500.00. $500 is what they wanted up front just to even look at him. That didn’t even cover anything else. $500 and 20 minutes later we learned that his condition was too serious and he would more than likely not make it through any of the surgeries, and having him put to sleep would be the best route to go.

What a horrible experience to have to go through as pet owner. Just terrible. I never want to have to be in that position where I have to turn people and their pets away because of money.

I want to do the opposite and help as many animals as I can without having to answer to insurance bills and what not. I want to change the way people view animals. Most people look at them as just that, animals. When in reality, they are so much more. Without those animals we would have nothing.

Maybe one day the standard for that will change. I have my fingers crossed that it will. If you ask me, there should be free vet clinics in every town so that low income people can still take proper care of their furbabies. Because in this day and age, too many folks are quick to jump up and say “you don’t deserve a pet if you can’t take care of it!” But what a lot of those people don’t realize is that the people they are usually saying that to, can’t even afford healthcare for themselves. So, since the goverment fails us, we don’t deserve to be loved by any pets either? That’s just wild to me. Do better people.

Coping Strategies

What strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings?

As of right now, I take medication to help ease those feelings away. Or at least lower them so I can still function. I’m also in two different types of therapy. Both of whichare helping me to learn to cope with my feelings.

Every day I feel like I am learning something new about myself. I have started to finally bloom into the woman I believe I am supposed to be. I feel my confidence rise more and more each day, my courage is baby stepping for me, it’s just been amazing.

I don’t know if this will help anyone else or not, but I want you to know you are not alone. You are seen. For the longest time now, I’ve felt like I was slowly going crazy. Like something was seriously wrong with me. I didn’t feel like myself, look like myself. None of that. I pushed people away and closed myself off. I couldn’t figure out what was going on with me. Or why I was the way I was. I have finally had the chance to get seen regularly by doctors for the last 2 years at least. I have some answers to some of my questions about myself, FINALLY! Now that I know what is going on, I feel a little free. Kind of, in a way of speaking. I don’t feel trapped behind it anymore. They have names and I have ways to knock them out each day now.

I am slowly getting there, because we are all a work in progress. But it is so rewarding at the end of each day to lay in my bed and finally feel like I am getting to know myself again. It’s amazing how much that can change your life.

Grocery List

List your top 5 grocery store items.

1. Milk

2. Eggs

3. Ranch

4. Bread

5. Meat

Every time I go to the grocery store, I get at least one of these food items.every single time. Here are 5 items at the grocery store that are NOT food items that are always on my list.

1. Toilet paper

2. Dish soap

3. Laundry detergent

4. Kitty litter

5. Garbage bags

With my husband and three kids around I always have to swap these out because they are empty. It’s exhausting living my life.

Bits of Me

What are your two favorite things to wear?

Sweaters. Sweaters are definitely number one on this list.

I have so many sweaters, and I love all kinds of different ones. Sweatshirts, cardigans with or without buttons or zippers, granny sweaters, hoodies, zipper hoodies. All of them! They are so comfy and since they come in different materials, I can have fluffy warm winter ones and thin sun burn blocking summer ones.

My second favorite thing to wear would probably have to be my Galaxy watch. I enjoy having the convenience of it. I can easily track my daily steps, update my calendar, answer phone calls, send texts, check the weather, and so much more. I wear every chance I get. I keep it clean and charged. It even tracks my health and sleeping schedule.

What are your favorite things to wear?