POV: Henry


Hi! My name is Henry. I am 50% dalmatian and 50% standard poodle. Also known as a dalmadoodle. I am a little over 4 months old. My mommy’s therapist said she needed a companion for emotional support when my mommy is feeling lonely because of the level of distress it causes her. I am the bestest boy for my mommy. I listen almost every time. She gives me tons of treats and puzzles to keep my brain and mind sharp. She’s taught me lots of things like how to sit, shake, lay, and jump. She’s taught me that my kennel is a safe place open any time. I’m learning that truck rides are so much fun and full of adventure. My brothers and sisters (3 humans, 2 cats) are my very best friends. Although, one brother and one sister don’t really care for me and swat at me when I walk by, but I love them anyway and am always ready to play! My daddy gives the best tummy rubs and can throw my toys the furthest, which I love. It always gives me the zoomies after.

I know I can never replace the ones before me, but I hope they know that I’m doing my absolute best to make them all smile.

Passtime Activities

What activities do you lose yourself in?

When I get the chance to, I always lose myself in a good book. I haven’t had much time here recently between doctors appointments, work and the kiddos. But when I do, it usually sucks me in.

I can lose myself in the art of baking or cooking. I just get right in my zone and whip stuff up! I enjoy it so much. Turn up some tunes and start slicing and dicing!

Travel around for photos of wildlife or nature. I could literally do this for hours, if we can afford the gas and have the time for it. I could drive around for hours just looking for little critters or birds or water fowl or anything beautiful and natural just praying for a chance at one good shot with my camera.

This last one kind of falls in the same category as the last block of this blog, but standing at my back kitchen door watching all the birds at my feeders. I could do this for hours with or without my camera, and have on days where I went to work a couple hours after the kiddos went to school. I love watching them land in the tree near my feeders and look around while they inch closer and closer to grab a bite. I have gotten several photos I’d love to show with you all. I’ll have to make a separate post for that.

Lonely is the Name

Is making friends when you’re an adult, really that hard?

People always tell you to hold on to the good friends, stay close, blah blah. But life happens sometimes, or other things happen and sometimes you lose those friends. No one ever really teaches you how to build friendships when you’re an adult, you’re expected to know. But how do we really know?

I’m not really around a lot of people anymore except for family, so how do you meet friends then? It’s a lonely world without friends, even as a busy married mother of three. I really have no one to talk to about my issues, my thoughts, my girl talk. Husband’s aren’t the best at girl talk.

I have no one to talk to about actors I think are cute or how I should wear my makeup for a date night with my husband, or to hangout with when all the kids are in school.

Since my mama’s death I’ve realized, I’m truly alone in this world. With the exception of my husband and children. I have no one on my side, in my corner. My husband is in that corner alone, pouring his heart into mine. And for that I’m so grateful. He is my bestest friend in the world.

But feeling lonely sometimes overpowers that.


Share five things you’re good at.

1. Cooking

2. Baking

3. Drawing

4. Writing

5. Digital Art or Logos

Bits of Me

What are your two favorite things to wear?

Sweaters. Sweaters are definitely number one on this list.

I have so many sweaters, and I love all kinds of different ones. Sweatshirts, cardigans with or without buttons or zippers, granny sweaters, hoodies, zipper hoodies. All of them! They are so comfy and since they come in different materials, I can have fluffy warm winter ones and thin sun burn blocking summer ones.

My second favorite thing to wear would probably have to be my Galaxy watch. I enjoy having the convenience of it. I can easily track my daily steps, update my calendar, answer phone calls, send texts, check the weather, and so much more. I wear every chance I get. I keep it clean and charged. It even tracks my health and sleeping schedule.

What are your favorite things to wear?

Wildlife Photography

Do you ever see wild animals?

Nature is one of my biggest loves. Everything in it is inspiring, beautiful, unique. Photography is one of the ways I enjoy capturing those moments of breathtaking awe. Enjoy a few of my favorite wildlife shots.

Pied-Billed Grebe

Osprey Parents Guarding Their Nest

Northern Shovelers



Belted Kingfisher

Juvenile Raccoon

A Slice of Paradise

What is your favorite place to go in your city?

Here lately, my favorite place to go in my town is the library. I love how quiet and calm it is there. I enjoy picking out books for myself and our kiddos.

There’s also a section where some books are for sale. They are pretty cheap, too. So if I ever have a few bucks I grab a couple to add to my collection.

There’s also a “free” section and a “read and return” section.

I stop by there almost every time I go to town.

Self Care

What have you been working on?


I have been spending the majority of the past few months working on myself the most. Getting myself healthy, physically and mentally. Getting bad teeth fixed, seeing a therapist, regularly seeing my doctor. Taking new medications.

I want to feel like myself again and these are the steps to take first. But I will prevail.


Why do you blog?

The answer to this one is quite simple for me. I blog so I can share my thoughts and feelings. Not necessarily with others, but for myself. For my mental health.

It helps me to write or type out my feelings. I don’t generally have anyone to talk to, so this helps me the most. I also have journals I keep as well.

No One Ever Asks This

How are you feeling right now?

Thanks to my new antidepressant medication, I am feeling energetic. But the lonely feelings are still present. I am feeling worried about the days to come since my truck is on the fritz now. I’m worried about winter coming because I do not look forward to the amount of snow it brings here. I’m feeling very overwhelmed and extremely anxious. I wish that part of my medication would start to kick in.