Down To Business

What alternative career paths have you considered or are interested in?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately, actually. My husband is currently going to school for what he has always dreamed of going for. Me, on the other hand, have no idea what I want to do. It’s a hard decision to make for me. Unlike some people who have known since middle school or before, and stuck with it.

But how did they know? How did they know for sure that that’s what they wanted to do? I have so many things I would love to be able to do, but which one do I love more? How do I decide?

I love cooking, art, photography, animals, and trees, and so much more. How do you decide which one you want to start with at least?!

I’ve been considering Wildlife Conservation because it covers a few of those areas I love so much. I’m a “fun fact” or “did you know..” kind of girl. Wildlife Conservation covers animals, plants, and their environments. Which is the biggest interest of mine.

Major in Wildlife Conservation and minor in Photography..? I think that might be the route I’m going. For now.

Wish me luck in deciding!

I also have started a business on the side to help with the upcoming holidays and birthdays in my family. Let me help you fill your home or office with scent-sational scents! Or host my party for a FREE kit of your own!!

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