Wildlife Photography

Do you ever see wild animals?

Nature is one of my biggest loves. Everything in it is inspiring, beautiful, unique. Photography is one of the ways I enjoy capturing those moments of breathtaking awe. Enjoy a few of my favorite wildlife shots.

Pied-Billed Grebe

Osprey Parents Guarding Their Nest

Northern Shovelers



Belted Kingfisher

Juvenile Raccoon

Nature Thirsty

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

This is a tough question because I haven’t tasted the Earth yet really. I’ve only been to a few states within the United States. I haven’t filled my eyes with the beauty of the world yet so I’m not sure where I’d love to spend the rest of my days. So far, all the places I’ve lived, haven’t really felt like home. Not really even my hometown.

Self Care

What have you been working on?


I have been spending the majority of the past few months working on myself the most. Getting myself healthy, physically and mentally. Getting bad teeth fixed, seeing a therapist, regularly seeing my doctor. Taking new medications.

I want to feel like myself again and these are the steps to take first. But I will prevail.

Down To Business

What alternative career paths have you considered or are interested in?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately, actually. My husband is currently going to school for what he has always dreamed of going for. Me, on the other hand, have no idea what I want to do. It’s a hard decision to make for me. Unlike some people who have known since middle school or before, and stuck with it.

But how did they know? How did they know for sure that that’s what they wanted to do? I have so many things I would love to be able to do, but which one do I love more? How do I decide?

I love cooking, art, photography, animals, and trees, and so much more. How do you decide which one you want to start with at least?!

I’ve been considering Wildlife Conservation because it covers a few of those areas I love so much. I’m a “fun fact” or “did you know..” kind of girl. Wildlife Conservation covers animals, plants, and their environments. Which is the biggest interest of mine.

Major in Wildlife Conservation and minor in Photography..? I think that might be the route I’m going. For now.

Wish me luck in deciding!


I also have started a business on the side to help with the upcoming holidays and birthdays in my family. Let me help you fill your home or office with scent-sational scents! Or host my party for a FREE kit of your own!!

No One Ever Asks This

How are you feeling right now?

Thanks to my new antidepressant medication, I am feeling energetic. But the lonely feelings are still present. I am feeling worried about the days to come since my truck is on the fritz now. I’m worried about winter coming because I do not look forward to the amount of snow it brings here. I’m feeling very overwhelmed and extremely anxious. I wish that part of my medication would start to kick in.

Montana Dreams

Tell us about the last thing you got excited about.

The last thing I remember getting excited about is our trip to Montana. I’ve been struggling with depression more in the past few weeks and haven’t had much energy for anything else or joy.

But our trip to Montana was something my heart sung for. It was the number one thing on my bucket list. Something I’ve dreamed of seeing since I was a little girl.

Seeing those magnificent fields and large rock formations was just incredible. It will be a trip I remember for the rest of my life.

Minnesota Summers

What do you love about where you live?

I really love a lot about Minnesota, but one thing keeps me from wanting to stay any longer than we have to.

The summers here are gorgeous. Glistening lakes, blue skies for miles, open fields of wildly grown grasses, and so many trees and forest areas. I love the wildlife here. The number of clouds you can see because there’s no mountains to block the view. The slight breeze that seems to be abundant here throughout all seasons. At night, if it’s dark enough, you can almost see the entire galaxy it seems in the sky! It’s absolutely beautiful here.

But the amount of snow in the winter here has done it for me. I knew it would be snowy, and that’s why I held my ground as long as I could. But it’s depressing, for me, how much snow it is and how long it really lasts.

I dream of winters like back home where it feels like fall all winger long, and if it does snow, it melts the same day.