Passtime Activities

What activities do you lose yourself in?

When I get the chance to, I always lose myself in a good book. I haven’t had much time here recently between doctors appointments, work and the kiddos. But when I do, it usually sucks me in.

I can lose myself in the art of baking or cooking. I just get right in my zone and whip stuff up! I enjoy it so much. Turn up some tunes and start slicing and dicing!

Travel around for photos of wildlife or nature. I could literally do this for hours, if we can afford the gas and have the time for it. I could drive around for hours just looking for little critters or birds or water fowl or anything beautiful and natural just praying for a chance at one good shot with my camera.

This last one kind of falls in the same category as the last block of this blog, but standing at my back kitchen door watching all the birds at my feeders. I could do this for hours with or without my camera, and have on days where I went to work a couple hours after the kiddos went to school. I love watching them land in the tree near my feeders and look around while they inch closer and closer to grab a bite. I have gotten several photos I’d love to show with you all. I’ll have to make a separate post for that.

Me-Time Wishes

What do you wish you could do more of every day?

I wish I had more time in my days to spend reading. I love to read my books, and collect books for my shelves. I’ve got way more books than I have had a chance to read here lately.

I also wish I had more time to blog on here. It really helps me mentally to be able to get out some feelings in these posts.

Having more time and great weather for traveling and getting shots of animals and nature with my camera would be amazing, too. I send so much time working and cleaning and doctors appointments. I barely have time to do the things I enjoy.

Road Trip!

You’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike?

My husband and I have talked quite a bit about traveling in the future. We have small children now and have talked about traveling with them as well, but that is harder than it may seem with two out of three of our children on the spectrum.

We have made plans to, with or without the children however it may be, travel to see many places. Driving in our own vehicle has always been the solution in our plans. I would like to point out though, that we do plan to travel over seas and to many other different places, so boats and/or planes will have to suffice those trips, I’m sure. As for just USA trips though, the car will do.

Coping Strategies

What strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings?

As of right now, I take medication to help ease those feelings away. Or at least lower them so I can still function. I’m also in two different types of therapy. Both of whichare helping me to learn to cope with my feelings.

Every day I feel like I am learning something new about myself. I have started to finally bloom into the woman I believe I am supposed to be. I feel my confidence rise more and more each day, my courage is baby stepping for me, it’s just been amazing.

I don’t know if this will help anyone else or not, but I want you to know you are not alone. You are seen. For the longest time now, I’ve felt like I was slowly going crazy. Like something was seriously wrong with me. I didn’t feel like myself, look like myself. None of that. I pushed people away and closed myself off. I couldn’t figure out what was going on with me. Or why I was the way I was. I have finally had the chance to get seen regularly by doctors for the last 2 years at least. I have some answers to some of my questions about myself, FINALLY! Now that I know what is going on, I feel a little free. Kind of, in a way of speaking. I don’t feel trapped behind it anymore. They have names and I have ways to knock them out each day now.

I am slowly getting there, because we are all a work in progress. But it is so rewarding at the end of each day to lay in my bed and finally feel like I am getting to know myself again. It’s amazing how much that can change your life.

Autumn Air

Daily writing prompt
What is your favorite type of weather?

My absolute favorite type of weather is during the fall time. Right when the leaves start to change colors. The weather is warm, but the breeze is cool. The autumn colors make our beautiful earth glow. All the reds, yellows, oranges and all the colors in between. I call it sweater weather, which if you know me, that is my absolute favorite thing. I adore sweaters and I also collect them. Haha! So it really honestly only makes sense that fall time would be my absolute favorite type of weather. Sunny, breezy days, cool nights for bonfires. Just simply relaxing.

Grocery List

List your top 5 grocery store items.

1. Milk

2. Eggs

3. Ranch

4. Bread

5. Meat

Every time I go to the grocery store, I get at least one of these food items.every single time. Here are 5 items at the grocery store that are NOT food items that are always on my list.

1. Toilet paper

2. Dish soap

3. Laundry detergent

4. Kitty litter

5. Garbage bags

With my husband and three kids around I always have to swap these out because they are empty. It’s exhausting living my life.

Lonely is the Name

Is making friends when you’re an adult, really that hard?

People always tell you to hold on to the good friends, stay close, blah blah. But life happens sometimes, or other things happen and sometimes you lose those friends. No one ever really teaches you how to build friendships when you’re an adult, you’re expected to know. But how do we really know?

I’m not really around a lot of people anymore except for family, so how do you meet friends then? It’s a lonely world without friends, even as a busy married mother of three. I really have no one to talk to about my issues, my thoughts, my girl talk. Husband’s aren’t the best at girl talk.

I have no one to talk to about actors I think are cute or how I should wear my makeup for a date night with my husband, or to hangout with when all the kids are in school.

Since my mama’s death I’ve realized, I’m truly alone in this world. With the exception of my husband and children. I have no one on my side, in my corner. My husband is in that corner alone, pouring his heart into mine. And for that I’m so grateful. He is my bestest friend in the world.

But feeling lonely sometimes overpowers that.


Share five things you’re good at.

1. Cooking

2. Baking

3. Drawing

4. Writing

5. Digital Art or Logos

Bits of Me

What are your two favorite things to wear?

Sweaters. Sweaters are definitely number one on this list.

I have so many sweaters, and I love all kinds of different ones. Sweatshirts, cardigans with or without buttons or zippers, granny sweaters, hoodies, zipper hoodies. All of them! They are so comfy and since they come in different materials, I can have fluffy warm winter ones and thin sun burn blocking summer ones.

My second favorite thing to wear would probably have to be my Galaxy watch. I enjoy having the convenience of it. I can easily track my daily steps, update my calendar, answer phone calls, send texts, check the weather, and so much more. I wear every chance I get. I keep it clean and charged. It even tracks my health and sleeping schedule.

What are your favorite things to wear?

Cartoon Addicts

What’s your favorite cartoon?

Of all time? That would be really hard to decide just right off the bat for me. I’d have to really think about it. And since my memory serves no purpose, because I’m unbelievably forgetful, I’d probably have to do some research to remember what all I’ve ever seen.

But as of right now, Bluey is my favorite. My daughter put it on one day out of the blue and I sat and watched a couple episodes. It was so adorable and taught some pretty good lessons while also feeling like a real family with real life going on.

I’m even guilty of enjoying the show while my children have been out playing with friends or at school. It’s quite a charming little show with very good lessons to learn for kids and parents. It’s a wonderful show for any and every one. Highly recommend.