POV: Henry


Hi! My name is Henry. I am 50% dalmatian and 50% standard poodle. Also known as a dalmadoodle. I am a little over 4 months old. My mommy’s therapist said she needed a companion for emotional support when my mommy is feeling lonely because of the level of distress it causes her. I am the bestest boy for my mommy. I listen almost every time. She gives me tons of treats and puzzles to keep my brain and mind sharp. She’s taught me lots of things like how to sit, shake, lay, and jump. She’s taught me that my kennel is a safe place open any time. I’m learning that truck rides are so much fun and full of adventure. My brothers and sisters (3 humans, 2 cats) are my very best friends. Although, one brother and one sister don’t really care for me and swat at me when I walk by, but I love them anyway and am always ready to play! My daddy gives the best tummy rubs and can throw my toys the furthest, which I love. It always gives me the zoomies after.

I know I can never replace the ones before me, but I hope they know that I’m doing my absolute best to make them all smile.

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