Sad Realities

Daily writing prompt
When you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was five years old I wanted to be a veterinarian. I’ve always had a soft spot for animals. Animals of any kind, I’ve always loved them all. Now that I’m older, I have changed my mind about that. I do still want to work with animals, any way I can. But I do not want to be a vet anymore. I honestly don’t care for how their businesses run. Vets and animal hospitals will literally turn animals away if you can not pay up front, which is wild to me. I would never want to turn any animal away.

Last year our family dog of 8 years became extremely sick all of a sudden. He was coughing, throwing up blood and shaking. We went to FIVE different locations trying to get help for him. No one would see us because we didn’t qualify for care credit, we didn’t have any money up front, and we didn’t have pet insurance. Our sweet boy was literally throwing up blood on the floors of their waiting rooms. They could see that he needed immediate help, but since we had no money right then, they all turned us away with a simple “sorry.” We finally had to ask someone to loan us the money until payday. $500.00. $500 is what they wanted up front just to even look at him. That didn’t even cover anything else. $500 and 20 minutes later we learned that his condition was too serious and he would more than likely not make it through any of the surgeries, and having him put to sleep would be the best route to go.

What a horrible experience to have to go through as pet owner. Just terrible. I never want to have to be in that position where I have to turn people and their pets away because of money.

I want to do the opposite and help as many animals as I can without having to answer to insurance bills and what not. I want to change the way people view animals. Most people look at them as just that, animals. When in reality, they are so much more. Without those animals we would have nothing.

Maybe one day the standard for that will change. I have my fingers crossed that it will. If you ask me, there should be free vet clinics in every town so that low income people can still take proper care of their furbabies. Because in this day and age, too many folks are quick to jump up and say “you don’t deserve a pet if you can’t take care of it!” But what a lot of those people don’t realize is that the people they are usually saying that to, can’t even afford healthcare for themselves. So, since the goverment fails us, we don’t deserve to be loved by any pets either? That’s just wild to me. Do better people.