Montana Dreams

Tell us about the last thing you got excited about.

The last thing I remember getting excited about is our trip to Montana. I’ve been struggling with depression more in the past few weeks and haven’t had much energy for anything else or joy.

But our trip to Montana was something my heart sung for. It was the number one thing on my bucket list. Something I’ve dreamed of seeing since I was a little girl.

Seeing those magnificent fields and large rock formations was just incredible. It will be a trip I remember for the rest of my life.

Meaningful Names

Where did your name come from?

When I was younger, I struggled a lot with my name. I got made fun of for my name. Was always told, “That’s a boys name!”

It was always the same thing, over and over. As the years went by, I realized that no other girls had my name. Yeah, the few that have my abbreviated name. But it’s never the full name like mine.

My mama wanted something unique for a girl, but she wanted it to be kind of common at the same time.

So, she named me after my daddy, uncle, and her mama, my grandmother.

Kristopher (after my dad and uncle, just girly)

Ann (after my grandmother, Nellie Shirley Ann)

Lifting Love

What motivates you?

Lately, my anxiety and depression have had me feeling less than. Less than the person I feel I should be. I haven’t wanted to do much of anything lately.

But knowing my husband and my children need me, depending on me every day to pick them up and love them and care for them, has kept me alive.

Without them, I probably would’ve withered away by now. Without them, I feel as though I have no purpose.

So my motivation comes from all of their love. And I’m sure, they have no idea how much they all really mean to me.

Peaceful Moments

What brings you peace?

When the sun starts to set and the sky looks like a water painted canvas, as I lay my children to bed. Their precious voices asking for hugs and kisses and pats and to be tucked in, even at their growing ages, my heart warms.

I tuck them in, one by one, with a kiss, a hug, and a couple minutes of a back pat. Then, head off to my room or my couch.

I find peace in that moment knowing that I must be doing something right because I feel so much love from my family at that moment.

The little things add up to every single muscle of my heart.

Pieces of My Heart

List 30 things that make you happy.

1. My husband

2. My children

3. My cats

4. My daddy

5. Reading

6. Sparking up

7. Car rides

8. Trees

9. Good food

10. Anything free

11. Coffee: hot, iced, or blended

12. Music

13. Art

14. Photography

15. Random facts

16. Me time

17. Learning new things

18. Cooking/baking

19. The smell of fresh cut grass

20. Making enough money to pay bills

21. Helping people any way I can

22. Seeing an animal in the wild I haven’t seen with my own eyes yet

23. Sweaters/cardigans/sweatshirts, etc

24. Giving someone a gift they wanted

25. Halloween

26. When sequels are just as or better than the first (not remakes!)

27. When snow melts away

28. Feeling appreciated

29. Pushing through fear and actually enjoying myself

30. Jesus and our relationship

Groggy Kat

What’s the story behind your nickname?

I’m not sure how many of you know, but my real first name is Kristopher. I was named after my daddy and my uncle (mamas brother) before my parents got married. I have always mostly gone by Kristi. But my nicknames have always been Kristi Kat (what everyone called me) and Kristi Lou (what my mama always called me. KAT is the initials of my name, and that’s where it came from.

But honestly, I answer to a few different names. You can call me Kristi, Kris, Kitty, Kat, or Topher. I have some people I’ve known for years who call me by any of those names.

My favorite and most important nickname I go by, though, is mommy.

Safe Travels

Are you seeking security or adventure?

Honestly, I’m seeking security in adventure.

We want to travel and see the world, but I want to know that my children will be safe.

We don’t know what the future holds. Whether you spend each day going with the flow or plan every second of every minute, you still have no clue what tomorrow holds.

Cats vs Dogs

Dogs or cats?

I am an avid animal lover. Have been for most of my life. While other little girls were playing with Barbie dolls, all I wanted to play with was my stuffed and plastic animal sets. I grew up as the girl who loved horses. Yes, that was me.

While I love having pets of all kinds, I mostly enjoy pets that only need your attention when they want it. Like cats, for instance. Dogs are too needy. I love having a dog around, don’t get me wrong. But at this time in my life, after losing our beloved family dog in November, I have no extra time for a puppy or a dog that needs training.

Cats learn quickly how to use their litterboxes, and other than food and water, they are pretty self-sufficient.

One day, I hope to be able to stay still for a while and run a big farm again. I want lots of cats, dogs, a few horses, a couple of cows, some pigs, chickens, ducks, and a couple of turkey. With lots of room to roam and a huge beach entry pond that my husband and I have been dreaming about and already have plans of.

That’s the goal.

What’s the Time?

Which activities make you lose track of time?

Oh, this is a fairly easy one for me. I lost track of time all the time! With two businesses, working full time, three smaller children, and a husband thrown in, I’m always on the go and always running late!

But the few things that ALWAYS gets me are cooking/baking, reading, writing/art, and games on my phone!

I get lost in the moment when doing these things and completely forget that the rest of the world is still going along. Haha.

But if you can’t lose time doing something, are you really enjoying it?

Dinner Dreams

If you could host a dinner and anyone you invite was sure to come, who would you invite?

If we are talking about anyone, dead or alive, then I have a few people I would invite.

I’ll start with loved ones I’ve lost that I would love to see again.

My mama would first on that list. I lost her in April of 2021. I miss her so very much every single day.

My Shirley would be number two on that list. Shirley was my mamas mom. We lost her in August of 2005.

My best friend Erika would be third on my list. I lost her in November of 2017.

My papaw would be on this list also. My daddy’s dad. We lost him in August of 2019. Right before we found out we were pregnant with our last baby.

I’ve lost so many loved ones over the years, but these are the ones that hurt me the most. The people I miss the most. The people I remember the most.

For the ones who are still alive, I would choose my daddy, of course. He would sit next to Mama, I’m sure. My uncle Chris, my mamas brother. And my cousin Sandy.

Celebrities I might want to invite would include living and dead, Celine Dion, Betty White, Drew Barrymore, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, and Paul Walker.