Luxurious Living

What’s the one luxury you can’t live without?

Luxury items for one person might be essentials for another. I grew up pretty poor so I didn’t always have the cool stuff like everyone else. I was always a few years behind everyone when it came to getting “the in” stuff.

The one item I would consider to be my “must have luxury item” would have to be my air fryer. I use my air fryer and crockpot religiously. I have three younger children, co own a business, manager another business and work at 30 hours a week all while trying to open my own business. So my air fryer and my crockpot have saved my butt when I needed to get dinner done in a hurry or throw it in before my day starts and let it cook all day. Then I just have to serve it. Such a lifesaver for a person who is always on the go.

Would you consider this item a luxury item?

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